News archive2021-12-06T16:28:04+00:00

News archive

1903, 2024

Student project

March 19, 2024|

Phuong successfully defended her MEP

102, 2024

New BSc student

February 1, 2024|

Alin joins our lab for his Nanobiology BEP project

109, 2023

New MSc students

September 1, 2023|

Phuong and Lars join our lab for their Nanobiology and Life Science and Technology (LST) MEP projects

408, 2023

Student projects

August 4, 2023|

Nynke and Amke successfully defended their BEP projects this summer

109, 2022

Student projects

September 1, 2022|

Martijn successfully defended his BEP project

2604, 2022

Computing Time

April 26, 2022|

We are awarded a Computing Time on National Computer Facilities Grant by NWO

3101, 2022

Paper accepted in EMBO

January 31, 2022|

Our paper just got accepted in EMBO J. Many thanks to the Janssen lab at Utrecht University for a great collaboration!

511, 2021

NWO XS grant for four researchers of Applied Sciences

November 5, 2021|

50.000 euro NWO grant for four researchers of Applied Sciences NEWS - 10 SEPTEMBER 2020 - COMMUNICATION TNW The Board of NWO Domain Science has awarded four researchers of Applied Sciences in the NWO Open Competition Domain Science – XS. Xiaozhou Ma, Dimphna Meijer, Caroline Paul and Toeno van der [...]

3008, 2021

August 30, 2021|

Koen, student Nanobiology, starts his Master End Project

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